Verdun to Pie-IX Montreal Metro Station Route, Fare & Timings

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Return Route
Travel Duration in Min 29
Interchanges 0

Verdun to Pie-IX Montreal Metro Route

↓ Line 1 - Green Métro

Towards - Honoré-Beaugrand

  • Verdun
  • De l'Église
  • LaSalle
  • Charlevoix
  • Lionel-Groulx
  • Atwater
  • Guy-Concordia
  • Peel
  • McGill
  • Place-des-Arts
  • Saint-Laurent
  • Beaudry
  • Papineau
  • Frontenac
  • Préfontaine
  • Joliette
  • Pie-IX

Related FAQ's

What is the estimated travel time?

The aprroximate travel time for the journey is 29 Min.

What are the total interchanges for the journey?

The total interchanges for the journey are 0.
For More Information - Visit Société de transport de Montréal